Cleverly disguised (and all by God's grace) as Rich’s wife, a combat veteran fighter pilot, mother of three wonderful girls, the first woman to fly the F117 stealth fighter aircraft, Colorado ski bum, triathlete and race director, Sunday School Teacher and more, I am first and foremost a daughter of the Most High King.
The bedrock beneath all of that has been my daily time in God’s written word. One week each summer at camp in upstate New York in the 1980’s linked me to that power source, a life line that held me fast during the years when my identity as Daughter of the King was hidden beneath a myriad of disguises.
A well-established habit by middle school, writing became a common theme of my life, first as a simple journal, but after camp’s leadership training program, blossoming into building Bible studies for fellow college students, for military-connected women, for children in our church and for other small groups in wide a variety of contexts.
Further refined by a Master’s in Teaching and Preaching the Bible (Biblical Exposition), all those studies coalesced into the Next Step Study series, which begins by exploring why the Bible has historically been so valuable and whether we can trust it. Step Two journeys through God’s Big Picture Story in the Bible. Step Three fills your toolbox with sound Bible Study Methods. And Step Four launches you from the nest into leading your own Bible study groups using God’s Word alone as your guide, from which point you’ll really begin to learn, because as experience proves, if you want to learn, teach.
You’ll find, among other discoveries, that the Bible claims to be true and Jesus claims to be the Truth. In this world where lies, deception and confusion abound, don’t you want to find Truth? Don’t take my word for it! Join me for your own journey of discovery, your own experience of Truth and of God, of Who He Is, what He’s written and what He’s doing even today.