What: A tour together through the Story Arc of the whole Bible guided by the workbook, A God’s Eye View: Survey for Yourself the Bible’s Big Picture, which is available on Amazon.
Along the way, we'll come to understand the Bible's organization and how each book contributes to the whole. As a consequence, we'll come to know Author more intimately as well as our own place in the story and our appropriate response.
You might have guessed that this is no small venture. You'll need to set aside about 30 minutes per day, 6 days per week, to read (or listen to) Scripture and jot down a few notes, but I guarantee you'll find it worth the investment. As I tell my kids, nearly everything good worth doing is hard, but God is able! Join us and invite your friends.
When: Monday afternoons 1:00-2:30pm Mountain Time from Feb 3 to May 9, 2025.
Where: Wherever you'd like, with electronic device of your choice via Zoom.
Or if you're a gal who lives near Colorado Springs, you're welcome to join Covenant Grace Church's Women's Group live on Wednesdays. Email Donna to find out more.
Who: Folks like you who are ready to do some (very rewarding!) work in order to learn and grow. Max group size is 10 people.
How: We'll meet on Mondays to recap, share insights and pray together, with each participant highlighting the piece of the Story Arc they selected the previous week. During the week, you'll read (or listen to) selections from Scripture and briefly journal about them, helping to develop (or solidify) the life-giving habit of daily time in the Word. Each day and each week, you'll be asked to consider how God is asking you to respond to what you read or heard, working toward the essential habit of "doing what it says" (James 1:22-25).
Ready to commit? Register and order the book by Monday, Jan 27, 2025
Check out the first two chapters here.
Have other questions? Please feel free to reply to email Donna directly.